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The Dai Ichi Gazette  |  Volume 34, Issue 06  | June 2019 

Michael Roberts – January 17th 2025 – 7PM @ GVJCI

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE January looks to be another busy month of bonsai fun and excitement. Our January meeting will bring our friend Michael Roberts who will be discussing air layering techniques as well as thread grafting and other important tips and tricks.   We...

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Elle-Nieto-Brodnick – November 15th 7PM @ GVJCI

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE I want to start with, it was great to see all the southern California bonsai members volunteering, visiting, shopping, and spending time at the Pacific Bonsai Expo event this past month. I hope everyone had a great time, purchased a treasure, and...

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Robert Hoogeveen – Sept 20th 7PM @ GVJCI

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE This year is moving so fast, I can’t believe there are only 3 months left of meetings. This month we have a little change of demonstrators, Robert Hoogeveen will be here working some of his bonsai magic. Robert is the president of the Orange County...

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Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai (“Number One” Bonsai Club) was established in January, 1986 and takes great pride in its family-oriented character. Our club is dedicated to promoting the art of bonsai. The club meets on the third Friday of each month (except May and December) at the Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute (GVJCI), 1964 W 162nd St, Gardena 90247 (West of Western Blvd.) at 7:00 pm. Each meeting features a bonsai demonstration, benefit drawing and is free and open to the public. Our annual bonsai show and sale is held on the first weekend in May, where members and invited artists are encouraged to show off their best trees.

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