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Check out our complete 2019 exhibition coverage
Robert Hoogeveen – Sept 20th 7PM @ GVJCI
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE This year is moving so fast, I can’t believe there are only 3 months left of meetings. This month we have a little change of demonstrators, Robert Hoogeveen will be here working some of his bonsai magic. Robert is the president of the Orange County...
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE This month we are seeing excessive heat and wild fires all over the LA basin, be safe and try to keep those trees watered and in some shade. If you're interested in a fun discussion about overhead watering, check out the Post from Julian Tsai on...
Liliana Marcello Tello Ortiz – July 19th 7PM @ GVJCI
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE July is bringing us very high temperatures; most parts of the Los Angeles basin are looking at triple digit temperatures. Shade cloth would be nice, preparing for these summer temperatures has been a common responsibility for many of the bonsai...
CESAR ORDONEZ – JUNE 21st 2024, GVJCI @ 7pm
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE It's June and what to do next? That’s a good question. It's the midpoint of the year and so much still needs to get finished. The maples need thinning and cutting back, and most all other deciduous trees have the same problems. There are some great...
Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai (“Number One” Bonsai Club) was established in January, 1986 and takes great pride in its family-oriented character. Our club is dedicated to promoting the art of bonsai. The club meets on the third Friday of each month (except May and December) at the Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute (GVJCI), 1964 W 162nd St, Gardena 90247 (West of Western Blvd.) at 7:00 pm. Each meeting features a bonsai demonstration, benefit drawing and is free and open to the public. Our annual bonsai show and sale is held on the first weekend in May, where members and invited artists are encouraged to show off their best trees.