November is our last meeting of the year and we’re going out with a bang! CBS’s Visiting Artist Pedro Zamora will be our demonstrator, Pedro has extensive experience demonstrating throughout the world and has studied under master Kunio Kobayashi.
Pedro will also be conducting a Bring Your Own Tree styling workshop the on day of the meeting so if you wish to attend, please contact me. Seats are limited and lunch will be provided.
November also brings the annual CBS bonsai sale. Once again it will be held at Yamaguchi Bonsai Nursery. Come early for best selection. You can see more details in the flyer below.
Thank you for all the support
Doyle Saito
November 26th – CBS Annual Bonsai Sale – 9am – 1pm – Yamaguchi Bonsai Nursery 1905 Sawtelle Blvd. West Los Angeles CA 90025
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