January looks to be another busy month of bonsai fun and excitement. Our January meeting will bring our friend Michael Roberts who will be discussing air layering techniques as well as thread grafting and other important tips and tricks.
We also have the winter silhouette show put on by the Baikoen Bonsai Kenkyukai at the LA Arboretum. Viewing trees without leaves enables the enthusiast to see the structure of the trees and any flaws they may have. It’s a great show and the Saturday night banquet is always fun and exciting.
The last event of the month is the Shohin Seminar in Santa Nella, California. This is always a fun time, experts donate their time to give workshops on various material. Registration has already started but there may be open workshop slots still available. This year, our club is the host for the hospitality event on Saturday night. Come on by and have a drink, some snacks and talk with all the California bonsai artists at the event. To learn more and to register for the event, please visit
Next month’s Bonsai-A-Thon registration is now open. Paid Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai members can register on their website for a one day Huntington Gardens pass to attend the event.
You can register here:
Also coming up on March 15th is the Bonsai Friends swap meet. Another great venue to purchase pots and starter through finished bonsai material.
The mission of DIBK is to promote the learning and appreciation of bonsai in Southern California and throughout the world. From it’s inception, DIBK has always been a teaching club and we strive to educate as well as showcase our membership in every event we produce. Your support, through membership dues and donations are invaluable to the success of our mission.
• Monthly meetings, seminars and lectures – DIBK brings in knowledgable guest demonstrators from throughout California and the United States, to educate and inspire bonsai artists of all skill levels.
• Live streaming of lectures, critiques and demonstrations – Through various social media platforms, we strive to produce high quality streaming video content where people from around the world can learn techniques from talented bonsai artists in real time.
• Special Masters Series events – Bringing in top-tier bonsai talent to Southern California for exclusive lectures, demonstrations and workshops for DIBK members.
• Monthly workshops – Where both beginning and advanced DIBK members can learn the proper techniques to creating beautiful, healthy bonsai.
• Exhibitions – Every year, DIBK produces our annual Exhibition & Sale, as well as participating in other local club and organization exhibitions, where our club and its members best trees are proudly displayed.
• Field trips – Tour the collections of established local bonsai artists and members. DIBK Members can learn growing techniques and see how other artists care for and display their collections.
• Buying Trips – DIBK members enjoy specially arranged group visits to nurseries throughout California, to view and acquire developed and pre-bonsai specimen.
• Auctions – Provides DIBK members the opportunity to acquire fantastic bonsai material at great prices.
Please support the club by paying your dues either in-person to CJ Levinstein, or via the paypal link on our website:
Thank you for all your support.
January 18 – 19 – Baikoen Bonsai Kenkyukai – Winter Silouette Show LA Arboretum
January 31 – February 2 – Shohin Seminar – Santa Nella California
February 22 – 23 – Bonsai-A-thon
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